Indicator 1: 35/40.
This year, we observe a small gender pay gap in the overall average pay between women and men, standing at 2.9% in favor of women.
In categories where the calculation is feasible (6 out of 16), there is a 6.7% pay gap in favor of men.
Indicator 2: 35/35.
We achieve the maximum points for the distribution of salary increases between women and men.
Indicator 3:
Incalculable. As there were no female employees on maternity leave in 2022, this indicator is consequently incalculable for this year.
Indicator 4: 5/10.
Nous comptons désormais 3 femmes parmi les plus hautes rémunérations.
Notre politique salariale repose sur les compétences, la performance, les responsabilités au poste occupé et sur l’engagement de nos collaborateurs.
Nous veillons à l’équilibre de rémunération entre les femmes et les hommes en privilégiant leur montée en compétences.
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